To be a pilgrim is to be on a path of adventure, to move out of our comfort zones, to let go of our prejudices and preconditioning, to make strides towards the unknown.

(Satish Kumar)

Upcoming Plans

September 2024: Malvern to Telford

The SDSC arms fair takes place in Telford in November, it was formally in Malvern but successfully driven out by a successful protest movement. Our plan is to link the old movement with the new location of the Arms Fair. The pilgrimage will act as both a witness to peace in itself and an awareness raising initiative ahead of November. We would also likely visit some other arms manufacturing locations on route. This pilgrimage is still being planned, if you’re interested in getting involved please get in touch.

September 2025: Pilgrimage to DSEI

DSEI 2025 is scheduled for 9-12 Sept, so we would be looking at another pilgrimage in the first week (ish) of September 2025. Potentially this could be along the same route as 2023, or not. If you’re interested in getting involved please get in touch.

Local Peace Pilgrimages

We provide resources to help you organise and walk your own local peace pilgrimages.

You can find out more about how to organise a local peace pilgrimage of your own here


Peace – harmony, balance, collaboration. Not merely the absence of violence but the presence of justice.

Pilgrimage – setting off on foot, on an adventure made with deep spiritual intention.  

Peace Pilgrimage – to set off on foot, on an adventure, with the intention of sowing seeds of peace in our own hearts and in our war-torn world.

Who We Are:

  • We are people sharing a longing to see our war-torn world become more peaceful and a belief in the transformative power of pilgrimage.

Why We Exist:

  • We exist to help organise “peace pilgrimages” across the UK, journeys on foot of various lengths, with the intention of sowing seeds of peace, in our own hearts and in our conflict torn world. Anyone who shares in this passion is welcome to join us…

How We Go:

  • We want to walk with people of all faiths and none, people of different political persuasions, people who see themselves as pacifists and people who don’t, people of all different genders, races, abilities… All we ask is that you join us in a spirit of openness, respect, care and curiosity.


The Team

Photo and Video Credit: Matthew Neville, Chris Bemrose, Mael Balland, Rachel Claire, Scott Neil, Saeideh Babashahi.